Sunday, November 15, 2009

BHEL Mazdoor Sangh agitation from today

In protest against apathy towards burning problems of BHEL employees, BHEL Mazdoor Sangh has decided to launch agitation in second phase termed `Employees letter in the name of CMD' from Monday.
Under the agitation employees will convey their problems directly to Chairman and managing director. The problems of the employees for which they are demanding solution are wage revision pending from 3 years should be done immediately, employees of recognised Unions should be given democratic rights, like other units cash payment of overtime should given in BHEL Bhopal unit.
Since none of the BHEL Bhopal union is recognised and those which are going to united joint committee they have failed to mount pressure on management owing to their vested interests. At present those agitations which are going on in the name of wage revision that are because of ego problems therefore under the banner of BHEL Mazdoor Sangh thousands of employees will apprise the CMD of their problems by writing letter. Under this agitation every day hundreds of letters will be sent to CDM.


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