Saturday, September 29, 2012

BHEL plans chemical cleaning of first set of supercritical boilers soon

BHEL’s first 2 x 660 supercritical boilers for National Thermal Power Corporation’s Barh project in Bihar will go through chemical cleaning shortly. Chemical cleaning completely removes oxides of iron through passivation, a technique involving application of a light coating of material to create a shell against corrosion. The inner surfaces of the heat transfer tubes are thereby protected from corrosion and other damages. As a preparatory exercise, a two-day workshop on ‘Chemical Aspects of Once-through Supercritical Boiler Cleaning’ was initiated at BHEL, Tiruchi, on Friday. Engineers will gain hands-on experience in actual conduct of chemical cleaning of super critical boilers. The workshop was of high significance against this backdrop, S. Sundararajan, General Manager, Research and Development and Coal Research, said in his inaugural address. Chemical cleaning practices for super-critical boilers vis-à-vis sub-critical boilers were different. more at:

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