Thursday, February 24, 2011

ONGC asks Bhel to supply the two turbines simultaneously to save project time.

ONGC's first power venture in India , the 8,500-crore, 727-MW gas-based power plants in Tripura, is likely to be completed by December, a year before schedule.

"The project will start earning revenues a year earlier than scheduled, which will add to the top line as well as the bottom line of the company," A K Hazarika, chairman and managing director, told ET on Thursday.

ONGC has also asked Bhel to supply the two turbines for the plants simultaneously to save project time. "Bhel has already constructed one turbine for ONGC, which is waiting at Ashuganj port. Another turbine of the same capacity is lying with Bhel, however, it is meant for another plant in western India, but that project is delayed and we have asked the equipment manufacturer to supply both turbines simultaneously," an OPTC spokesperson said.

complete article at:

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